Monday, July 2, 2012

Sparkles and Gnomes

So another update with バカップル so let's get started!

They are always watching

A really cute moment where Tecchan was watching TV and Sir-Dancelot came to watch too. D'awww

Some more gnome action. Funnily enough, last time I played they didn't move at all but they moved a lot this time around.

My sim pregnant walking. Baby's coming along nicely.

AND THE BABY IS HERE! They actually left Aiden home alone while they went to the hospital lol Great parents.

I named her Luna because that name has been stuck in my head for awhile. Not because I'm thinking of baby names but because I decided I would name my cat Luna if I ever got one lol Yeah, I named the baby after my possible future cat.

Anyway, we got a present from a distant aunt in the mail. It's name is rags. If you don't know, this is actually something new in Generations. It's an imaginary friend which will grow up with Luna.

What's going on here?!?

Sir-Dancelot grew from a puppy! Actually, I triggered the transition. He was going to grow up in a day anyway. I wanted to turn off aging for a bit but wanted to age up Sir-Dancelot.

The first thing he did was "look out the window"...except he was looking in the window. lol

He also thinks he's a good singer

To get my figure back, doing some exercise for the first time in my life! (even if it's my virtual life)

Aiden had a slumber party but only one of the kids showed up. Of course, pillow fighting ensued.

While that was going on, more sparkles in the household! Luna aged up into a toddler! (first natural aging up lol)

I have more screens to show but I'll save those for the next post. One thing we learned, watch your back for gnomes!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Picking up where I left off

Long time no see!

Well, actually, since I last posted, I played the family from scratch in the new town plus two dogs; my late dog, Goldie, and my boyfriend's dog, Gon.

This turned out to be really tough to handle. I recently switched computers so I decided to move the entire family (house, people and history) into a new town and essentially continue where I left off.

The first thing I did, of course, was adopt a pet from the shelter. Meet Sir-Dancealot.

I didn't even care what the dog looked like because that name was just priceless. Luckily though, it was a cute dachshund.

So, with a new dog, we start playing!

Aiden made a wonderful painting.

Some grilled cheese sandwiches.

and Sir-dancealot was also having his lunch

then played with his toy which is bigger than him!

Also, some tug-a-war with Aiden

I was actually surprised that this happened.

I didn't expect the pregnancy to carry over!

Amusingly, when Sir-dancealot was coming to bark at me (bad dog!) he fell on his bum lol

Well, that's it for now. I'll probably be playing for now so likely more posts to come!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Prankster Aiden

I'm taking a break from my studies so I decided to finally post some screens!

So, I decided to finally place these guys who have been sitting in Tecchan's inventory forever

Well, they disappeared almost right away and I couldn't find them for a long time....until I found them on the lawn...

Anyway, Aiden picked up baking

But he wasn't that good at it (burnt muffin)

He took out his frustration by setting a booby trap

(He just looks pretty here lol)

Dad got stuck on the half wall though so his plan failed

But dad got mad that Aiden was trying to trick him so he brought him to the garage dun dun DUN

Just for fun I made Tecchan use the sink anyway and he got sprayed.

Found a gnome in the washroom this time taking a nap

Aiden succeeded in making a muffin. Yay!

And the parents got friendly....

And Aiden is playing at the park at night with a stranger...

What's this now? Can't you hold your lunch woman!

I got Pets at this point though so we don't find out if the baby was a girl or a boy. The new family has 2 dogs which is a handful already so I haven't gotten her pregnant again yet haha

Friday, October 21, 2011

R.I.P Neeners

Nino died....

He was trying to fix that stereo and got electrocuted and died.....

Thank goodness for saves. Can't have Arashi be a 4 man group! (Aiba was at the park)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Simrashi Be Ambitious

More Simrashi. Going to get these posts out of the way. I wanted to play more of Pets but I spent too long playing with the house. Maybe tonight =)
Ambitions update!
So I updated to ambitions but that had some consequences...






It upset him so much that Aiba tried to set the house on fire.

He got his hair back though. (everyone else as well)

I'm angry that all the hair got reset. My custom clothes work but all the custom hairs got reset so now my townspeople are ugly =( And without awesomemod I can't change them! The skins and eyes also don't seem to work right.....

Back to normal

Nino's starting his new career in journalism from the bottom as a paperboy!

Aiba's also getting into a new career in inventing.

Oh Sakuraiba, making out while there is cleaning to be done

And Nino get's excited at the thought of Yetis

Riida is trying his luck with scupting now. (A few of his paintings adorn the wall already)

And Aiba's digging in trash

MatsuJun is fulfilling his mommy duties

And these two have a hobby (happy?) together [Reference]

Finally, Aiba's being a monkey at the fire station

Sleeping arrangements
For now Sakuraiba are the only couple (I want Ohmiya but they are both loners so that's hard) so here are the sleeping arrangements

Nino is on the far side

Next is Riida and beside him is MatsuJun

And Sakuraiba together of course