Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Baby Aiden

This post has a lot of pictures. 19 of them. Ha.

So I forced Aiden to grow up because I was getting sick of taking care of the baby.

But he grew up wearing pink! I immediately changed his clothes from there.

He's following in his parents footsteps and learning music...kind of.

He played in his toy chest and was just adorable!

Bed time.

We were downstairs eating sushi when he woke up.

I thought it was cute. He was just sitting there with the moodlet "It's dark". D'aww.

But he cheered up after some food.

Teaching time! Potty training speaking and counting!

I was making a lot of faces while I was trying to teach Aiden to speak. I thought I got a few pictures but apparently not. Here's half my face.

He read a counting book with daddy.

This was the moment he got potty trained!

I used a cheat to teach him how to walk. Shh!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Randoms and a Wedding

Hehe it's been awhile. I have a lot more to show but I'll save the others for another day. I also want to introduce the other sim family I use to play but I've been lazy to look over those screenshots =P

My selfsim having a moment with Aiden.

Everyone having a good time.

My butler ended up invisible and stuck in the elevator. I reset him but it didn't work; he was still in the elevator. So I unglitched my game using awesomemod and he was gone. I didn't rehire him yet though. Still debating if I should.

Here is our band Zero Infinity playing our 2nd gig.

Unfortunately, Sho doesn't know how to control his bladder. You can also see that he smells bad.

My simself went to a party and the attire was swimwear....but there was no swimming pool. Elderly lady is a pervert?

Tecchan fails just as much as I do at exercising muahahaha but he looks better doing it maybe....

And then our sims got married in front of a crowd (only some of who were invited) in the park.

Btw, he ended up taking my name hahaha I haven't decided if I'll change it back yet.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Butling Adventures

note: hover for my dorkiness

With the addition of Aiden (whose name I just had to confirm. Thought it might've been Adrien) I decided we needed a butler. Well, we are celebrities after all, niyoels with 4 stars and Tecchan with 2.

However, upon reloading my game last night, I found this happened!

I wanted to change my butler's appearance anyway so I took this opportunity. Using awesomemod I took him into CAS.

He looks really good from the size, I think

Unfortunately, this didn't help.

But after moving him he returned to normal....only to disappear shortly afterwards while the parents were playing a gig. The baby was crying from lonliness and hunger. (Yes, they came back when I noticed)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Welcome - Sims Intro

I'll just be documenting my adventures in The Sims. I'll try not to spam with mundane stuff, though. I tend to take long breaks from The Sims so I might become inactive but never fret, I always come back for more!

So, here's my current family!
I haven't taken profile pictures of my sims, yet, but I will tonight =) The family I'm playing now is in the new town that came with Late Night (I forgot the name) and living in a high rise. The family is my simself and a sim based off of my boyfriend. I'm not doing any wishful thinking here! It just seemed fun.

Here are some of the exciting things that have happened. I'll keep this short =P

I got stuck in the elevator!

And my boyfriend didn't even bother waiting for or help me....

Well, I guess he made up for it in the end.

The Sims know me too well. Being too Asian for my own good, I pull this pose very often.

I'm not sure what's more horrific, free nachos or this random townie!

Ok. I get it. I'm not physically gifted.

Baby time!!!

Moments before the baby was born. They went to a club. Tecchan was drinking at this moment btw.

And he proposed after the baby was born.

Ah I didn't get many interesting shots of my boyfriend....or I'm just too narcissistic.